Sunday, November 10, 2013

Spay and Neuter Clinic, March 2013

Another clinic comes to town...loyal volunteers set up all the equipment

Animals start arrivng at 8 am...cats are done first as they take longer to get over their anaesthetic...

Here, they are weighed, anethestized and shaved in prep for the surgery.....

As each animal comes off the operating table, they go to their own box or mat where someone is always with them until they come to and are judged ready to go home by the vets...

some volunteers do innoculations, tick removal and nail clipping while they are out cold....

And the cats start coming to the cat recover area.....

cats do not close their eyes when they are put out, so we have to keep them warm and put drops in their eyes every few minutes to keep them from drying out.....

Owners join the volunteers in monitoring their babies as they come out of the grog....

Vets check each animal during recovery to make sure they are ok.....

Dear Roz was there from Sacbe with her newborn rescue pups, nursing them every between caring for recovering dogs.

The loyal cat recovery volunteers...with our charges.......we put drops in their eyes, clip their nails and remove any ticks...happily cats don't get many ticks. 26 cats and 54 dogs done this day alone....the wonderful vets work until every animal is done.

And then there was this last little girl who took forever to wake up......didn't know if she was going to make it, but she did......! Rule #1...don't go home from a clinic with a new animal....but oh dear, I fell in love with her and took her home...:-)
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