In Mayan culture, the serpent is an important creature. At Chichen Itza, for example, the serpent is built into the stairs of the great pyramid and on the spring equinox, at an exact hour in the afternoon, the sun highlights the serpent and it appears to undulate down the pyramid. This serves to herald a good growing season for crops and animals.
Whomever the powers that be who design the roads in these parts decided to incorporate the serpent onto the medium on the highway between Puerto Morelos and Playa del Carmen. Here, you get an idea of how big this sucker is - he ate Miki as we drove down to Akumal on our way to Yalku to go snorkelling!!!

Another shot will give you an idea of just how big this is.

The side detail of the head is wonderful.........

And when you see it from the reverse direction, the length is truly wonderful. All this work just to decorate a highway - we could learn something from our Mayan cousins, don't you think????