Saturday, December 18, 2010

Christmas in the town square.

Finally - that tree they decorated on its side is up, lit, and surrounded by "presents" underneath which are also lit and very pretty.

Here is the main manger scene, getting its finishing touches. It is a fine mixture of Christian and Mayan figures.

and even includes a waterfall from a Mayan ruin........

And it is lovely at night with all its lights on too. The square is really magical at this time of year - a wonderful way to get into the Christmas spirit.
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here they come....

We sat at David Lau's on the sidewalk to watch all the festivities before heading off for dinner.....

And here comes Mary, Joseph on the donkey....all around the square, ending up at the church.

Then it was on to dinner at Gaucho's, entertained by this great trio.......

It was a fun gang for dinner - great Argentianian food!
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more pageant....

A large group of devils (yes, a little strange at Christmas.....) and angels.......

The devil song translates roughly that the devil is everywhere, you must be careful.....early indoctrination....!

These wee ones were wonderful - all knew the dance steps and words.

At dark, all the lights went out in the square, and after a small pause, the Christmas lights were all turned on at once, to the accompiament of great applause!!!
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more Christmas pageant

The first dance troup were barely old enough to dance, but had sweet costumes....

After each dance number, that group got to go sit on Santa's knee and get a present!

These little reindeer were just so cute.

And the choir sat on the stage and sang their songs.....
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Christmas comes to PM...

Here comes Santa Claus......with his fans........! Tonight is a big night in the main town square. Santa arrives, all the kids of the town do dance presentations, and then the main event - Mary and Joseph reinact going from door to door looking for a room at the inn.

Gosh, that is a familiar face......but the kids don't care, they just want to sit on his knee.

The littlest ones were all in costume before the show began.

And have you even seen such small suits.....??
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Cancun day..

Went to Cancun with Maggie and Ingrid and then to our timeshare, Casa Maya, for lunch. The nativity scene at the front entrance was impressive!

The manger and lots of nice pottery bowls.......

Ingrid was very impressed with her coconut juice, served in a coconut, of course....!

We had a lovely lunch at the beach restaurant, and then headed home to Puerto Morelos.
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