Tuesday and Wed were taken up with rushing another dog, Huesos (Bones) to the vet hospital in Cancun. He had been hit by a taxi (who swerved TO hit him!!!) and had his hip dislocated. This on top of his last injury by a car, which permanently damaged his sciatic nerve. Poor thing. Diane and I went in yesterday to pick him up in her van, and we got him settled in his crate for the night across the street from the bakery. Bev is going to help out with care for the next couple of days - it will be a 3 - 6 month recovery period for him.
Chi'ik is growing in leaps and bounds. This is how he keeps an eye on Botas in the front yard. He really misses going out there, but Botas is a serious cat chaser and has already chomped Chi'ik once, so no way they are going to work it out in the next 6 weeks.

We try to continue to feed our other street cats. The little ramp I made was way to steep for them, so now we put the food on top of the wall in the back patio. 4 of them have figured it out - Mama Chaplin, Negro baby, Papa and one of the twins.

Of course, the grackles also enjoy the accessible food, and I have already lost 2 containers over the wall into the next yard, as the birds knock them off.