Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Another new face....

This little girl was on her way to be euthanised.....oh dear. She belonged to someone who became too sick to look after her, so got passed on to several homes where there were other animals and she freaked. She is an adult, spayed, and otherwise healthy.

Someone suggested she just be put out in the jungle, so she was out there for 3 days before our friends Diane and Jill found her again, injured, dehydrated and starving.  Her name in Spanish was "my bitch" so we have renamed her Mariposa, since she has flitted about a lot lately and has the colouring of a monarch butterfly.

Jill took her for a few days, but has another street cat and they didn't get along. So we agreed to foster her while a good permanent home is found. She has been a loved house cat, so loves to sleep on the furniture, take her baths wherever she likes, and has now enjoyed canned cat food for the first time.

She is very sweet, very mellow, and very affectionate, and has no interest in even going outside. She likes to sleep lots, get cuddles and eat, and that is so easy for us. We hope a good full time home is found for her, but in the meantime, we are enjoying having her in our home.
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Grey Cup!

OK, the other thing that was happening Sunday was the Grey Cup. I know, BC wasn't in it, dammit, but we went to root for the western team, Saskatchewan. The PG Sandbox sports bar in Playa has the game on every year, so we were back again!

Didn't see even one sign of Montreal fans - it was an audience of a sea of green - shirts, faces, hats and flags.

There were Canadian flags everywhere, and we had a great time cheering with friends Stan and Norma from PM.

We stayed until we had to leave for the Sunday eve jazz concert and were disappointed to learn later that Montreal won - again!!!! Still part of a wonderful day and weekend.

Jazz Festival!

So the Riviera Maya Jazz Festival was as wonderful as other years. There has been a jazz festival in Playa del Carmen for many years, but this organizing group has been doing them since -07, so this is the 4th.

This first band is Aguamala, a large amazing band.

 I know seeing pics of bands on a big stage is not like seeing it live, with 12,000 other devoted jazz fans, but sitting in the powdery white sand for these evenings of free jazz is beyond wonderful. Second band of the night was the amazing George Duke, below. Then John McLaughlin, which we don't have a still pic of for some reason and finally The Manhatten Transfer - WOW!!!  So if you would like to see all the pics, including some videos of the music, go to http://picasaweb.google.com/daphneandmiki/RivieraMayaJazzFestival2010?authkey=Gv1sRgCKeQ__6IyrmMEQ#

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Posada Mariposa

A charming light on a stair landing at the hotel. Lots of nice little touches like this throughout the place, and it was only 2 blocks from the beachfront resort, Mamitas, where the Jazz concerts were held.

Our bedroom - and the suite had a nice big bathroom, too.

The main room - full kitchen, living area with either an additional bed or couch area.

Our breakfast restaurant, right across the street from our hotel. Great food and great staff.
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Playa del Carmen

We got to Playa and met Lee for an extended lunch........so great to see her again.

This is our hotel on 5th Avenue. Been here since '99 and is a lovely place.

The balcony where we had morning coffee and nightcaps after returning from the Jazz Festival concerts.

The courtyard and main lobby area. So many little hotels like this one in Playa where there is sometimes just a doorway on the street and then it opens up into a magical space once you go inside.
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