Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Victoria visitors!

Our dear friends Helen and Rick arrived on Saturday for a month. They have a timeshare where ours is in Cancun, so we joined them there for lunch on Tuesday.

Their suite is lovely and when their daughter and son in law come down next week, they will share it with them.

The view off the balcony.....ah, that amazing turquoise never fails to impress me, even after 10 years of coming here.
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Puppy rescue

This dear little puppy is one of a litter from Genesis, our friend's resort in Ek Balam, where Miki has been helping out for the past few weeks. A guest and her daughter fell in love with her, and decided to take her home to Washington DC. They still had 3 days of touring to do, so paid for Miki to bring Puppy to our house on Sunday and then picked her up on Monday and flew home out of the Cancun airport. She is just 6 weeks, but cute as a bug's ear!

Of course Chiik knew immediately that as cute and small as she was, she was still a DOG, so took his time getting close and being ok with being in the same room.

This is as close as they got - with Chiik pretty pissed that Puppy was on HIS bed with HIS Mom, but they worked it out.

Botas was fine with Puppy of course, but Puppy took one look at Botas and must have thought "Mama!!!" and cried to get to him.

It was a very long night with Puppy playing, needing to cuddle (she left her mama and litter mates Sunday for the first time) but the good news is that her flight home was just fine - she slept most of the way under her new owner's seat) and their young beagle is thrilled with her new sister!! Happy ending all round. Another Mexican dog gets a good home!
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Mexico being a Catholic country, Easter is BIG here. Everyone has had 2 weeks off, the schools closed, with parades, umpteen church services and even a full reinactment of JC being tried, nailed to the cross (not literally, thank goodness!) and dragging his cross through town.

The bishop came and in the town square they took down the basketball posts, built a stage and had a full mass, complete with baptisms, confirmations - the whole enchilada.

The square was packed with locals, taking part in this ceremony.

This isn't a great shot, but gives you an idea of how full the square was.
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