Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Animals galore!

Isn't it amazing how kittens can just fall asleep ANYWHERE......ANY TIME........?????

Mum's lap is a good place, while she reads and drinks iced tea.

Or the floor will do, when he has just gone full our playing for half an hour and then just crashes.......!

Please meet Huesos (Bones) who is the dog run over by a taxi - who aimed for him!!!
He has had his hip operated on and is now tied in his yard getting morning nursing care from his "Moms" Diane and I. He gets a little better every day, but has a long recovery ahead.
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Girls Night Out!

John Cooker's last concert of the season was packed and the guys put on an awesome show!

See you next year, John - we will miss you! Good thing John Stewart is still around for a while or this town would be pretty quiet!

Girls night out with Rhonda, Rebecca and Sharon - we had supper, listened to the music and enjoyed a great evening!
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