We like to try to do one fun project a year on our casa, but this year the weather dictated what that would be......
Last year we had some wet spots in the corner of our guest room during heavy rain, and this year the downpour that came with the un-hurricane Rina created even more and water running down the wall..........yikes!
So we called in the pros and it was a noisy 5 day process.....starting with chipping and scraping all the old roof cement and surfacing material off. Here is the sum total of 6 hours of work on the first day..............
The house was built 7 years ago, and the roofing material is only supposed to last 5, so I guess it did pretty well. Here you can see the strips of material that have been scraped off.
It was hot sunny weather, and the one guy who worked the first day was joined by 2 more for the other days, scraping, chipping, sweeping and bagging the old material.
Finally getting to the front of the house..........
Helio and crew work long hot days so here they are finally taking a break in the afternoon heat.
Once the old material is off, they fill all holes and cracks, and resurface the entire roof with a very hard, baby bottom smooth cement........
the roof after the new cement is all applied........
a small cement wall is built front and back between our roof and the next one......and then thick white goop called Impac is rolled on. It is like a rubberized stuff that also has fibreglass in it for strength and to withstand the blazing sun........
Lovely shiny new white roof........!!!
There was a little of the goop left over, so Helio painted the palapa roof as well, as it is leaking every time it rains as well.
Second coat of the palapa roof and today we even had some rain - with NO leaks, so it is doing its job!! Great work, Helio and his crew!!!!