A wonderful turnout of locals and tourists for this long awaited show by the Humanimals....a dance troupe of 4 women and one man, who have choreographed a combination of modern dance and acrobatics with the movements of chameleons or gechos.....really incredible.
I apologize for all the movement - these folks were never actually still during the full hour performance...................
Often one dancer would emerge, to be joined by another, then another........
there were handholds built onto the performance stage, which they used to do some fabulous moves and acrobatics, all in perfect time to the music....which in itself was very unique.......
Overhead bars were used, upper and lower stage, and the shiny plastic floor area in front of the stage as well.......

A short video (if it plays) will show you a little of the action. Can't wait until this group performs again......really wonderful!!! After the show a gang of us got together at David Lau's for drinks....fun evening!