Tuesday, February 15, 2011

hockey and flowers....???

Jason brought down a full size Canucks flag which we proudly displayed at the bookstore one night - the night Vancouver beat Calgary, the team of owners Rob and Joanne....wonder if we still have a job.....?
Outside the bookstore was our favourite zylophone band.................
and over on the street median, the giant cactus started its' annual one night blooming....there were 9 blossoms in all, but only one out when I was there.....

Just for scale purposes, Renee is standing in front of the cactus....it is a whopper, and you can see the one bloom to the right of her head. Huge!
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more music......

Miki was a little under the weather this night (fine now!!) so Jason and I had dinner at Chimichurra with Brenda and JP. The band Class was playing across the street, so we ate and listened from afar......

And then walked across the street to hear their last set close up!

Sunday after noon was the acoustic version of Men in Blues at Playita - fine music in a quieter, more melow mood.

The 3 of us shared a whole fried fish.....grouper......yummy!!! No, Amber, we will not make you eat one of these.....:-)

There was a gang of us enjoying the music, the lovely day, and some awesome food.
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