Chiik had his trial visit with Maggie, Ingrid and the ancient Tippy. Sadly, Chiik and Tippy were not able to hit it off, as poor Tippy is mostly blind and partially deaf, so could just not adjust to having a rambunctious kitten in her face. So, Chiik is home again and he and our aging cats are working out sharing a home.
Chiik loves climbing to the top of our bookcases in the family room. His favourite toy is a feather thing on a stick, and I sometimes put it on a shelf - for a rest, as he can chase it for hours. He always finds it, no matter where I put it.
I'm the king of the castle........!
But like any baby, once he has chased his feather, batted all his toys all around the place and terrorized the other cats, he just crashes and sleeps for 2 hours.......! Chiik is home to stay and we are very glad. He is a delightful boy with personality plus, and we know the cats will work things out before we leave for Mexico again in November.