Thursday, March 17, 2011

beach and mangrove

Today after work, I met Laura and Miki at the beach.....ah, such a lovely place.........!  We had lunch at Ojo de Agua hotel, and then I sunbathed while my 2 companions went snorkelling.

The Girls getting their gear on and making sure everything is working properly.
After about 45 minutes, they came back with tales of great fish and wonderful warm water....

Then we took Laura to one of our other favourite places, the walkway out into the mangrove across from the Ceiba del Mar hotel. 

Here she is cheerfully watching for crocodiles in the water......and pretty damn glad there weren't any....:-)

I think you can tell from this smile that she enjoyed the walkway, which reminded her of the one around Swan Lake at home in Victoria. 

It was a fun afternoon, and it is always great sharing our 'hood with special friends. 
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movie night in PM

Bev and Mick invited us to come for a homemade spaghetti dinner and a movie last night.

It was a great feast in their lovely condo, and we brought our toothbrushes and stayed overnight in the luxurious guest room.

The movie was The King's Speech - an excellent flick! We had popcorn, lots to drink and no driving as we took a cab to their place. Walked to work this morning at 7 am and when Miki got home later in the morning, even the dog was no worse for wear for being in the porch overnight!!
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passports and haircuts

We headed off to Cancun on Wed. to start the process of replacing our passports. They were lost in December when we tried to get our new car sticker (long story) and it only takes 15 business days to do this process, so we have lots of time before we leave. This is the lawn area behind the Canadian consulate and altho the sign looks like it says Piss Off, it actually just means please don't walk on the grass.....:-)

Upon closer inspection of the lawn, it was clearly home to many large iguanas, and here is one lovely fellow, smiling for his pic.

This guy took off slowly, but managed to get a pic anyway...they are such prehistoric looking creatures.....I love them!

A couple of weeks ago I decided to get the back of my hair cut (as some of you know I cut the rest myself) and last year had a disastrous cut in Puerto, so tried our neighbour. Her salon is in a house just like ours, and I got the best cut I have had in years.....for 40 pesos, less than 4 dollars!!!!
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