On our day off, we did our usual WalMart/Costco run, but on the way out of our neighbourhood, here is one of the local horses, tethered in a grassy field. They are all over the Colonia - wherever a vacant grassy space is, there is usually a horse tethered there, enjoying his food.

Today is 3 Kings Day, a big celebration day and the day when most Mexican children are given their Christmas presents. There are huge family dinners, and on one corner, here were a group of men preparing a whole pig for the feast later in the day.

Every Mexican family in Walmart were buying Rosca cake, to be served tonight. Inside the cake a tiny figure of Jesus is buried and whomever gets the figure in their piece of cake has to prepare a feast on Feb. 2, which is the last day of Christmas celebrations.
Then it was off to the airport to meet our friend Lee, coming back from the Ontario cold after visiting her family for Christmas. The Cancun airport is very spiffy these days - a big change from 10 years ago when we first flew in here. We had lunch at a little cafe, watching the arrivals board, as her flight had been delayed an hour and a half.

But here she is, finally, glad to be back in the heat of Mexico!!!! Had a quiet evening at home, getting caught up and being entertained by the kitten Latte.