Lauren's week here in PM has flown by, so we went out with Laura for a final last supper at Casa de Pescador on the town square. See you in the fall, Lauren, unless you can swing coming to BC this summer on your motorcycle..... :-)
Critters....when we drove out the Cenote Road yesterday we stopped for water at the only tienda on the road and were greeted by a flock of sheep......!
Now that Mariposa has a new home, Botas can come into the house and onto our back patio. He has decided that he likes the idea of lying on a chaise and chewing on his ball.
In fact, he likes to drink out of the pool too, and we feel that this kind of environment will continue to gentle and train him to be a better dog. Other than chasing cats and cars (and bikes, and motorcyles and people, if they are too close to our house....) he is smart, loyal, loving and fun and he will make someone a wonderful full time house pet one day.