Friday, April 23, 2010

Mexican Circus!

One of the more depressing aspects of Mexican culture is the circus. They LOVE their circuses, but from what we have heard the animals are not treated very well and live a pretty sad life. Nevertheless, when the circus comes to town - this is about the 3rd time this winter - huge trucks with loud music and shouting recordings drive up and down our streets pulling huge wagons behind them.

On our way to dinner last night, here was a magnificent tiger being towed around. We have also seen a double cage, one with a tiger, one with an enormous male lion, and another with 2 leopards - one of whom is white. It really is a shocking thing to see these huge animals driving down the street in the blazing heat, seemingly unconcerned about where they are.

Another cage had howler monkeys, and when the wagon train stopped at a corner, all the kids ran up to take a look. Of course, there are wild howler monkeys in the Yucatan, but I don't know how many kids every see them.

The last trailer had 6 spider moneys who were never still - spent every moment wildly swinging around their cage - no doubt wishing they were back in the jungle where they live wild and free.
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Fun in PM

Had a wonderful dinner party at Sandra and Dan's with their friend and writer/psychic Kate. This jungle home is just lovely and Chef Dan presented us with an amazing salmon dinner, done on the barby. Thanks! See you next year.

Helen, Rick and Sheila from Victoria came to our casa for some pool time, drinks and appies, after which we headed to town for dinner.

La Panza Es Primera - "the stomach is first!" is the name of this great PM restaurant - on the beach, good food, great service and goofy wrestling motifs everywhere!
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