Friday, August 27, 2010

more water......

Thursday Miki was still fighting a summer cold, so I took the girls for an evening swim at our time share pool and hot tubs. Another lovely evening with that fat moon up there.....

We even snuck in an ocean swim on the way back from the point hot tub....and then happily back to the hot water of the tubs.

More ice cream on the way home.....:-)

The 3 cats are quite obviously getting along better, although Chiik still sends Dax into screaming fits from time to time. Here they all are sharing our bed last night, so it can't be that bad......!
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Bowling and full moon swim

Wednesday we all went bowling at the local lane.

Amber won the first game, Miki the second, but we all had lots of laughs and groans.....!

The girls have been so great this week - heading to bed around midnight and sleeping till noon.....remember when you could sleep that long......?

Wed night was a special treat - I took the girls down to the beach for a late night swim under the full moon. Ah....warm water, lovely sky.....

and this beautiful moon, shining over the ocean and the park....followed of course by ice cream at McDonald's......:-)
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