After we took in the Shellfish Festival in Comox, we wandered around town taking in the sites - like this condo development with the deck of a boat serving as a patio for one of the condos......
There was a street hockey tournament under way - how Canadian - 3 separate "rinks" and 6 teams battling for supremacy.......
Then we walked down to Filberg Park, where a driftwood sculpture greeted us.............
Turn of the century log buildings graced the gorgeous grounds.......
this gazebo and arbor lay before us..........
A lovely walkway to the beach....and many weddings use the park, for obvious reasons.....
The beach is just beyond the lawns........and there are beautiful gardens and walking paths everywhere......
Maggie's cousin, Jane, was our guide....she comes here often to walk.......
Before you get to the historic house, there is a shed affair that houses a Tea House, overlooking the beach....
and the beach stretches all the way to a spit a little further down the road, which ends in a Sea Cadet site, which used to be a navy base......
This wonderful house, known as Filberg Lodge, was built in 1929, and altho it was closed the day we were there, is home to the Filberg Festival on the August long weekend, an annual event with 4 days of music, artisans and food.......
Really a lovely place, started as a cottage for Robert Filberg and his family and was eventually their permanent home. When he died in 1977, he bequeathed the property to the Vancouver Foundation, to be used in perpetuity as a park.....
the walkway along the beach in one direction.......
and in the other direction.......
then we drove to the spit we could see from the beach, and while on one side it is fairly calm, the open side had big breakers in the wind.........
We collected some nice driftwood pieces for Ingrid and Maggie's garden, and before Ingrid blew away, we piled back in the car and drove home........