Saturday, January 23, 2010

Music in the town square!

Friday night was the first of the 2010 Puerto Morelos Music Festival nights, which will run every second Friday until the end of March. This is a wonderful night of entertainment, as well as a major fundraiser for the community of PM. There are great local entertainers, like Abel, who has an amazing voice, guitarists, local bands and lots of gringo performers, who come here every year and contribute to our wonderful town.

All the concerts are free, but the hat is passed, and there are Festival T-shirts for sale, which are a great hit and are a major part of the fundraising effort.

Local kids did a dance/yoga performance to music - too sweet.

And, of course, the Men in Blue were the final act of the night, getting everyone up and dancing for sure!
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New gate and screen door!

We were lucky to have been given (thanks Brenda and JP!!) a lovely screen door which they were unable to use. We contracted with our neighbour to remove our original metal gate across our door, which wouldn't fit once the screen door was installed.

So Ramon removed our gate and welded a new gate which now covers our whole porch, which gives us more porch space as well as a safe place for the catfood bowl when Botas, the dog, is in our yard.

Next, I took Ramon to Playa to buy the wood he needed to build the doorframe. Once the door was installed, Miki stained the raw wood and it looks awesome.

The screen door from inside the house.

The final product - nice gate, great screen door, and more through air without mosquitos....!!!!!!

Our talented nieghbour and wonderful guy - Ramon! He is a welder, a plumber, an electrician, a builder and a pool guy. What a great neighbour to have 3 doors down - oh, and the whole job, including materials, was $210.