The Jungle Market is a special place, where Mayan women sell handcrafts, wonderful cooked food, juices, and artwork, and also demonstrate the traditional Mayan dancing. Sandra, who has been instrumental in creating this amazing space, coordinates a show that tells the story of the Mayans integrating with the Spaniards (yes, most of us would call it something more brutal), but which starts with the goddess Ixchel at the pyrimid. The women each brought her a gift, to ensure health and prosperity.

The ribbon dance is incredible. Each woman takes a ribbon and does an elaborate dance, weaving in and out around the pole, ending up where they began. When they were finished, they invited the visitors to come up and do the ribbon dance with them, which many of us enjoyed. Then the entire audience and dancers move in a circle dance to honour all people in the world, and bring all our energies to bear on peace and harmony.

The market is held both inside a large palapa, and outside in the garden, and offers clothing, jewellry, Mayan remedies, artwork, herbs, and wonderful cooked food as well.

The garden at the Market is lovely - even full of people there are quiet places with wonderful vegetation.
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