Jason took us to our all time favourite haunt in Vancouver, the Sylvia Hotel, for Mother's Day brunch. So grateful to be able to spend the day with him.......
This was the view out the window....so lovely, and the day was warm and sunny.......
a not very good pic of my dear Jason...........
and the one the waitress took of us all.....the sun was so bright it kind of overwhelmed, but that's OK - sun in Vancouver is a good thing.....!!!
We walked along the English Bay seawall after a wonderful brunch of eggs benny...........
Miki and Jason check out the almost nude bathers on the beach.........
Jay takes some pics with his new iPhone......
Great to see Van again.....and we drove home along the water.......
Now this was new since we had been to English Bay....ok, I know they have been there a long time, but we had not seen them......a Chinese artist did these figures in his own likeness..........
......all in brass, huge.....and all laughing!!! Makes you smile just to look at them.......!
such a fun thing to have displayed.........
in the middle of a busy city...........all in all a fabulous 3 days as we end our travels............
On the ferry......a sunny warm day to head to Vancouver Island!! Michele picked us up at the terminal in Duke Point - thanks Michele and Bailey!! - and we were home with the cats by 6 pm. GOOD to be home in our own bed tonight!!!!!!!