Friday, April 6, 2012

More goodbyes and dancers!

Met Judith and 2 pals for a drink last night at Pangea to say goodbye to Tink, another friend who is leaving tomorrow to return to Amsterdam.

The place was packed - lovely beachside location with great food, a breeze off the ocean, and cruise ships sliding past in the night.....

These 2 amazing Flamenco dancers and guitarist wowed us before, and here they are again.....

They dance together, they dance individually........

and the wonderful footwork and expressions are awesome......

Both women have such finesse and grace - every movement is precise and lovely.....and very dramatic.....and the Spanish guitarist is simply unbelievable.....

Tink was invited to join one of them - and she did a great job in her bare feet and bikini outfit........

Goodbye dear Tink - happy travels in Europe and southeast Asia - PM will miss your smiling face!
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dinner and laundry......

Robin and Steve invited Shelly, Gino and I for dinner this week....another fabulous meal, boys!! We leave May 1 and S & G leave May 10, so these gatherings will have to last us till next winter.

Laundry day - I wash all our clothing by hand in a big wash tub, and dry it on the line in the courtyard...makes for a colourful yard on wash days!

Most on the line, shirts on hangers from the tree - it all dries very quickly and smells wonderful being outside.

One of the little males I had neutered this winter hangs out, plays with clothes pins, and sleeps in the lawn chair.......

Someone (local kid?) put a small elastic around his neck, so I changed it for a big one. So many black cats, it is hard to tell who is who in the zoo!!
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More goodbyes.........

Tom, John (the photographer) and Michele all left last Saturday, so we had a farewell dinner at Merkaditos and then went to the new Cheers to see Hearts Desire play, a great duo from Ontario. See you all again next winter....!

More leavings this week - Randall and Louis Rocket Project play their last show at David Lau's for the season.

The music had everyone up dancing - including this 80+ year old couple who rock here frequently.....

Michael and Sharon get into the groove......

....and even the "I don't dance" Les and Sharon have some fun.......

Last show night, so time for even Valorie to get up and dance with Sharon.......

See you guys next year!!!!
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