Saturday, March 12, 2011

Cat news and condo tour

For those of you who have met and read about our foster cat, I am pleased to report that she now has a new permanent home!!  Friends of friends Diane and Luis have adopted her where they live in a 2nd floor apartment with an outdoor enclosed patio and no other animals. Diane is French Canadian, so Mariposa will soon be trilingual. Will visit soon and show pics of her new home. We miss her already, but wish her well and are so glad she has a good home!!!

We took our little gang on a "condo tour" so our Victoria 4 had some other choices for another year here. We started out at Lauren's place, Casita Blanca, and then Bev and Mick opened their home at Los Tortugas to our little gang for drinks and a tour of their complex. Lovely 2 bed, 2 bath condo with a nice pool, hot tub and steps to the beach. 

We had drinks and laughs before heading off in our various directions for dinner. Gwen, Robin, Linda and Pat all leave on Saturday for Victoria. 

Lauren invited Laura and us to eat at John Grays Restaurant with her, and it was our first time there in over 11 years coming to PM. Wonderful meal, lovely surroundings, and of course great company. 
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Another music night...

The whole gang gathered at David Lau's for dinner and to listen to the Men in Blues and most especially, the guest singer, Cynthia Davis!

Cynthia and The Men put on an awesome show, as usual, even tho it was raining earlier in the evening, so the whole thing was moved inside the restaurant, and it was very loud and crowded. Didn't stop all of us getting up dancing to the great music.

On the way home, the cactus was doing its thing again....those amazing blooms......

To remind you of the scale of this cactus, here I am standing beside amazing!!!!!!