Sunday, July 4, 2010

and now for something completely different....!!!!

On Friday night we went with Anne to - are you ready for it? - a burlesque show!!!!
They are group of gals from Vic who are called the Cheesecakes and did this show as a fundraiser for Pride at a local nightclub. It was full of great music, great costumes, and was just plain fun!!!!

Saturday morning we popped by Marnie Kim's for coffee and cinnamon buns, but mostly to FINALLY meet Amaury, her newly arrived Cuban husband. Just a lovely guy, whose English is probably better than our Spanish, who is a salsa champion in his native country, plays drums and has already had 3 jobs, so is a go getter as well. Congrats, Marn and Amaury on your 1st Anniversary too!!!

Then we met Jutta and family at Shawnigan Lake (where they were camping for the weekend) and picked up Vanessa, who is here for a week to attend riding camp. Here she is trying out the new roller blade runners her uncle Marco gave her in Germany.

Then we walked down to Boston Pizza for supper, after which she ripped into a cookie!! As of this moment she has just won her first scrabble game of the week against!!!!
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Happy Birthday Canada!!!

July 1st we all gathered at Sharon and Jenny's to celebrate our country's birthday!

Shirley was our great bartender again.

Julie, Jane, Jenny and Elaine enjoying the great feast.

Gwen, Robin, Patty, Sherry and Miki share a joke - you will notice everyone has warm clothes on...sigh!

And of course we all had to gather and sing a rousing version of Oh Canada! Great party, great friends, great food! In the house, Moira, Marg, Shirley, Libby and Shirley cut Linda's wonderful Canada Day Cake!

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Warrior Terri!

Our friend Terri belongs to the Warrior Dragon Boat team, so we met her after work at Glo and had a refreshment before she went off paddling.

Here they are getting ready to launch - Ter is at the bow, on the left - watch for that little black cap.

Working full out, 10...9....8....7.....

Coasting into the dock.....great hour and a half workout and the sun even came out to cheer them on!!! Go Warriors!!!
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Rick Mercer in town!

Lind kindly invited us Miki, Mary Lois, Lee (who refused to be in the pic) and I to a presentation at the Victoria Conference Centre last week, which included a great dinner, a presentation about an investment opportunity, and THEN - the keynote speaker/entertainer was RICK MERCER!!

This is not a great pic, but suffice to say he was fabulous! Funny, smart, sarcastic and very pro Canada, of course.....or is that anti American...???No, not really, but if you have ever seen his clips of Talking to Americans, they do make it pretty easy sometimes...:-)

Thanks, Lind (and Rick) for a great evening!!!
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