Sunday, June 27, 2010

Birthday on the mountain

Autumn, a friend who both Helen and I worked with, made the fabulous gourmet birthday cake for Rick. Here she is with son Sebastian, who was shy, sweet, and about 10 minutes after this pic was taken was sound asleep on Mum's lap.

The other baby in attendance was Cash, a 2 month old Great White Pyrannese (sp?) who was having a moment with Dad Jake.

Little (??) Cash saying good morning!

Cash and senior Misty enjoying some time on the deck this morning. Cash will be over 150 pounds when fully grown, but is a very sweet gentle soul.
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The Big 6-0!!!

Dear Rick did the deed on Saturday, with family and friends wishing him well at their lovely new home in Metchosin.

The food was amazing - thanks for the great barbequing, Tim, and the great salads, Helen.

Then there was this amazing cake made by Autumn, baker extraordinaire!!!!!

Rick enjoyed all his prezzies, gift certificates and tributes from family and friends.
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on vacation

Saturday Miki and I walked along the Galloping Goose and stopped to have a lovely lunch at a seaside cafe.

Next door was an organic bakery, so we picked up bread for Sheila and Anne and Rick and Helen.
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