Saturday, December 26, 2009

Boxing Day

There has been an unusual amount of rain since we had our little palapa built, so we took advantage of 2 days without rain (supposed to be more on the way tonight or tomorrow) to paint the cement with sellador, a clear sealer that you mix with water on a 5 - 1 ratio. After it is dry and sealed, it can then be painted.

Miki is hard at work on the top half, and since the photographer, who is painting from the step ladder on the deck level works in the nude, she will remain out of the photos. Oh, and did I mention I HATE painting and have a perfectly wonderful son in Vancouver who paints for a living and could have been here doing this for us?????

Ok, maybe just this one, taken Christmas day evening, with the wee kitten Latte sleeping on my neck.
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Navidad cheer

Our dearest friend, Valorie, whom some of you have even met, made us each one of her legendary margaritas at David Lau's on Christmas day.

Ricardo was even decked out in a blinking santa hat....!

And our "boys" at Yodi's Biergarten were all smiles too!!

Then it was home to Christmas dinner, followed by a bottle of bubbly on our patio, having called our Toronto family and talked with Carl, Alice, Carolyn, Dan, Julianna, Dan, Alice's Mom, and son Jason in Vancouver. We surely do miss family at this time of year - Jutta, Andrew, Vanessa and Jonah are up in a Mount Washington chalet for Christmas, and Amber and Nicole are with their Mom Kerri on Mayne Island.
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Feliz Navidad!

Christmas morning Miki made us a lovely brunch by the pool. We had a lazy day at home and then went to town to enjoy some Christmas cheer before we started our dinner.

Miki showing off her best Christmas smile at David Lau's, which was properly decorated, complete with Scottish tartans and stockings (bearing in mind this is a Chinese restaurant, in Mexico....:-)

Daf also posed for her Xmas photo

And then we went home for a decidedly non Xmas, non Mexican dinner of rib eye steaks, potatoes and onions done on the barby and a loaf of fresh baked German rye sourdough.
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