Today we had our garden clippers and machete sharpened by this enterprising young man who was no more than 10 if he was a day. Supervised by papa, of course. I used both to hack back the trees which had grown over the pool again, dropping both leaves and berries, which clog up our drains in a heavy rain - which we had last night, so were up at 3:30 am sweeping water....! Beats shovelling snow!
At both Walmart and Costco, Christmas trees are for sale - 59 dollars at WM and 69 at Costco. Nice to smell the fragrance of fir trees without having to endure any cold weather!
Botas hates having his picture taken, but today he was having his nap in the back seat of the car and it was just too cute to ignore. He comes to the store with us some nights and happily sits or sleeps in the car on the street. As long as he is with us, he doesn't care.
This little rescue darling was found by Diane this week, but within 2 days had a good home. You can't tell here, but he has blue eyes - hence Diane's name for him, Blue. He came to visit at the bookstore where this was taken.