Today was Botas first ever day at the beach! We went to my favourite spot, the Shell beach, way beyond all the hotels. I put a long rope on the end of his leash and he had a wonderful time. I went equipped with treats, water (for both of us), my chair, my book and of course my camera. We set up and then took long walks in both directions. He has never been so free and even grabbed up sticks and pieces of coconut shells to play with.

He didn't know what to make of the waves. He rushed at them, barked at them and tried to catch them in his mouth. He is a very bad car chaser, so what did he find to bark at - a couple of skidoos going by.....!

I went into the water but couldn't coax him in past his chest, even though he is a lab cross. Swimming was a bit too much for the first day. I think he will do fine at the PM beach where there is no surf.

Here he is trying to catch the surf in his mouth. Luckily, he didn't actually try to drink the water, but he sure must have gotten some down - he drank his whole bottle of water back at my chair.

Aren't I the most handsome beach dog you ever saw???