Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Jean and Sonia's wedding.....part 1

All of you who have followed this blog over the last 5 years, will remember this handsome fellow, keyboardist for the Men in Blues, who played at David Lau's 3 nights a week. Jean has not been in PM this year, due to contracting cancer, and almost died from complications from his treatment over the last few months. He is now in remission and came back for a very short special visit this week.....to get married to his longtime love, Sonia. 

We are dear friends of Jean's, and honoured to be invited to this very special wedding.

The nervous groom checks on the sound system before the wedding.

The wedding was held at Kimberley's lovely home....here comes the bride, her Mom, and 2 bridesmades.......

Kimberley officiated at the ceremony.....Sonia and Jean did their vows in the tropical garden.

Jean's brother, Charles did a lovely reading........

....and then sang Amazing Grace, which had everyone in tears....such an incredible voice - talented brothers for sure......

Serge was the ring bearer, and Charles and Serge's wives were the bridesmaids......

After the ceremony, the group posed for a happy moment.........

and 2 Mexican musicians, guitarist and tenor, accompanied by a wonderful violinist, entertained the wedding party..........
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