Saturday, February 6, 2010

Raining cats and dogs

Yah, when there is nothing exciting to report, I revert to!!!

Here are "the Twins" - one male, one female, we think, enjoying the car at our casa. All the cats seem to take up residence there at one time or another, but never all at once. Territory, ya know!

The wee baby is growing every day - remember how tiny he was on this chair just a few short weeks ago....?

"our dog, Botas, is off on a 2 week breeding frenzy.....we really need to get him snipped soon - so we make do by walking a street dog, Jose, who belongs to a local in town.

Yes, even Chi'ik likes to be on the car, now that he is big enough to get up there!
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A gorgeous Saturday!

This is one of those many glorious days in Puerto Morelos that people remember well into winter, once they return home.

I had my lunch break from the bookstore at this waterfront park in the town square, with all those wonderful turquoise seas and warm breezes blowing over me.

A perfect backdrop to the sea was the tilting lighthouse by the dock, and lots of people were enjoying the fishing derby and snorkelling today.

Families, tourists, fishers and snorkelers all enjoying a perfect day in our perfect town.
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