Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Another new face....

This little girl was on her way to be euthanised.....oh dear. She belonged to someone who became too sick to look after her, so got passed on to several homes where there were other animals and she freaked. She is an adult, spayed, and otherwise healthy.

Someone suggested she just be put out in the jungle, so she was out there for 3 days before our friends Diane and Jill found her again, injured, dehydrated and starving.  Her name in Spanish was "my bitch" so we have renamed her Mariposa, since she has flitted about a lot lately and has the colouring of a monarch butterfly.

Jill took her for a few days, but has another street cat and they didn't get along. So we agreed to foster her while a good permanent home is found. She has been a loved house cat, so loves to sleep on the furniture, take her baths wherever she likes, and has now enjoyed canned cat food for the first time.

She is very sweet, very mellow, and very affectionate, and has no interest in even going outside. She likes to sleep lots, get cuddles and eat, and that is so easy for us. We hope a good full time home is found for her, but in the meantime, we are enjoying having her in our home.
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