Our friend Kevin flies with Canjet and had a one night stopover in Cancun, so chose to come to PM for the evening. After I closed up the bookstore at 8 we had a quick bite at Gaucho's - Miki was feeling a little under the weather and did not join us.
Then it was on to Cantina Habarneros where a celebration of Ed Hoffman's life was underway - the late owner of the Cantina, who sadly died a year ago. The tribute started at 5 pm, but by 9 it was still well underway and packed.
The Blues Boys played their great music............
and the guest of honour would have loved it all......these are his ashes in a specially made box, along with a great pic of Ed and a jug of margaritas!!!! I am sure he was rockin on with us......
Kevin stayed right behind the Cantina a couple of years ago and was often kept awake into the wee hours by the music.....:-)
Naty, Ed's widow, has done a great job keeping the place going, and it was decorated for the night with Ed's signature balloons......
James McLean was also there singing his special brand of rock and roll.........
Naty ran all over making sure everyone had what they needed, but she took a moment for herself and watched some of the music for a bit......
and then got dragged onto the stage with James to sing......we all support Naty and her 2 kids and fondly remember Ed on this sad and special day.
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