this is Lucy, a 20 year old pony who lives in our hood and is often tethered in the median, where there is lots of good grass.........
off to the beach again with Murielle, and we all got to go for a lovely swim.....mmmm....!
Miki took her walking poles and did her knee exercises...........longer walks each time.......hurray!
strange little sailboat went by.................
and 3 of these sea birds sitting on posts................
not just a pile of seaweed - if you look closely you will see about 50 sandpipers feeding on whatever is in the seaweed.................
under the sign for the fishing tournament in May is a poster announcing a boxing match in the town square tomorrow night. All the local contestants were being weighed and photographed.....while they still have their teeth..............
A pro fighter will be here to take on all comers......needless to say, we will pass on this event............
Broke down and bought some local organic coffee. The label on the side says: Drinking 4 cups of this coffee will reduce diabetes by 30%; prevent colon cancer; reduce 80 % the risk of Parkinsons; stimulate the brain; improve physical energy; improve humor sense; prevent suffering depression and consuming alcohol among young people. Who knew....maybe I should start drinking coffee........??????????????
only in Mexico......:-)
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