We arrived in PM on Wed and spent until dark moving every conceivable movable thing from our front and back courtyard into the house. Car is all tucked into her cover........
The ivy I dug out of a ditch last year has blossomed - literally!! - and grown up the wall, thanks to Diane and Valorie putting in hooks and plant tape!!
I took this one just in case it didn't survive the hurricane........
Our street to the left of our gate.............
and to the right, just to measure before and after damage.......
Mama cat having lunch......she has a white kitten who lives under the car....:-)
There are 7 cats already back for daily feedings.......most of them black.............
See how sweet the baby is....might end up being a Siamese.....
Lovely black and white in the tree....
the kitten nursery.....................
At one point during the torrential rains, we could hear the kitten crying, so brought her in, dried her off and after she was all warm again, put her back with mama.
Yah, Jason calls us the crazy gringo cat ladies......:-)
Rina was a non event - just lots of rain....!!
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