Our last few days were full of fond farewells to our Victoria/Parksville friends and family. We had a lovely dinner with Helen and Rick in Metchosin.......
Oh, and Misty..................bye you three!
An afternoon with cousin Kirsten and hubby Jack in View Royal.....see you in May!!
A very short visit with cuz Rachelle at the cottage in Sooke.......bye sweetie!
and the last night at Jutta and Drew's for Jonah's in East Sooke forJonah's 7th birthday party, attended by Gillian, Andrew's Mum, Miki, Nessa.......
Jutta and the Birthday Boy Jonah..............
Jonah and Drew....
and finally the cake.....happy Birthday dear Jonah - see you all in May!!
Lunch in Victoria with old friend Lisa, from our Nelson days. See you in May, dear Lisa!
an evening with Pat and Wayne at the Irish Times in Victoria..........
bye you two - see you in the spring!!
.....and finally, of course, bye to our dear Mary Lois......see you in May!!!
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