Botas has heartworm (the dog version of malaria, contracted by mosquitos).....sigh. It kills many dogs in Mexico, but we had him tested, and he is in the early stages, so once his treatment is over, he will be fine, and have monthly preventative medication from getting it again. For 2 weeks he had to have aspirin to thin his blood. Then 2 injections, a day apart, which knocked the stuffing out of him for 3 days. More aspirin for the following 3 weeks, and NO activity, hence the little jail he has been in for 5 weeks. Poor muffin, he feels so much better, but can't go for a run yet, so we go for sedate little walks so he can do his business. Another week or so and he can run like the wind again.
Omar and Yasemin, who come down every year, did their annual visit, so we joined them for breakfast at Pelicanos.
They divide their time between Santa Barbara and Turkey, with Puerto Morelos thrown in the mix a couple of times a year. Great to see them both again.
OMG - a REAL barbeque!!! We have now brought 3 barby's down here from Canada - and they all rust out in the first year. We priced stainless ones in Canada and they were anywhere from $300 - $1,000...! Then we found this beauty in Costco in Cancun - for $199!! Thanks to son Jason, it now sits proudly in our outdoor kitchen. Just need a propane tank and we will be ready for great barbys next winter!
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