I would like to introduce you to Pequena, the newest member of our feline family here in PoMo. She arrived a couple of days ago, out of nowhere, and has a twisted left ear and exquisite markings. She is very very shy, so can't get close enough (yet) to pick her up. She is enjoying tuna, canned catfood and plain yogurt and can eat the dry catfood if it is moistened for her.
She has moved into the tote we set up to keep the catfood out of the rain, but dashes into the pumphouse beside the water tank whenever the door opens.
One of the twins and Mama, who I think is the mother of Pequena, feeding on the dry catfood.
With Miki using the power washer and me sweeping the water into the drains, we cleaned the whole back patio in preparation for painting this week.
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