Janice invited us to come see the African Children's choir, performing at the local Baptist church. It was an amazing group of Africa's poorest kids, from 7 countries, and this program ensures that they are well fed, educated, get to sing all over the world and get a big step up in life.

They must have sung over 20 songs with a 15 minute intermission to change outfits, and they not only sang like angels, they danced, they clapped, and they all were really enjoying themselves.
These wee boys - all the kids were between the ages of 8 and 10 - were the drummers.
The music was uplifting, happy, and featured many of the kids as soloists.
They got a standing ovation and did an encore number as well. Truly a very special evening, which of course raised funds for the program, enabling so far 7,000 kids from Africa to participate in this choir. 

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