Thursday, February 25, 2010

Animals and Olympics

Ok, as you know, I rescued the street dog, Botas, from certain death at the pound. So I have been keeping him in our courtyard - first the front, where he terrorized all the cats and wouldn't let them come in to eat. So put him in the back, where he pooed on the rim of the pool......OMG! So I got some plywood and screws and built him a quasi doghouse in the front right beside the water tank - covered, with a side piece for the rain, and a new green carpet and Pooh bear blanket. Doesn't look like much, but building doghouses is not my forte. He likes it, which is the main thing.

Then I had to convince the cats that they could come into the back patio to eat (some of them walk all the neighbourhood walls, so they are immune to dogs. Smart kitties. I made a wooden ramp for them, but as you can see it is too steep and so far no cat has ventured down it. Plan B - I will have to do a platform half way down somehow......hmmm!

Posted by PicasaThursday night was the Canada-US Women's hockey game......what a great effort by our gals - and THIS is why I gave up touques when I was a kid! Go Canada!!! Another Gold medal!
It was all too much for Chi'ik, who went mad during the game, running around and cheering, but kittens just run out of steam and fall asleep wherever they land - this happened to be under a chair on the floor. Go Canada!!!!!!

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