Three days ago, I was taking out the catfood bowl to our regular 5 street cats (Chaplin, Panther, Baby, Negro and Stripes - ok, its a bad sign when you start naming them....!!) when I heard this tiny meow...and who popped in the house but this tiny (probably 5 week old) kitten. He is a little boy, about the colour of a latte, with pale stripes on his skinny little body.

He fits right inside our smallest blue bowl, and we have now bought kitten food, give him unsweetened yogurt, and when put into a container of litter, knew EXACTLY what to do, so today I had to go buy clumping litter......oh dear. No name yet, but he is in the house most of the time, but goes out to our protected front yard overnight.

Cute or WHAT???????????????????
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