Monday, February 27, 2012

Dancing in the square...!

A fabulous dance troupe came to PM the other night to perform the native dances from many regions around Mexico. Every state has its own unique costuming and style of dancing, and these 12 people did an amazing job of demonstrating them all!

There were men and women in a variety of groupings, but I just loved all these colourful women's dresses.........

Fabulous dancing.......

and at one point several dancers came into the audience and got people up to dance with them. Here is Robin with his dance partner.........

He did really well doing the steps...........

After the dancers were finished, there was an impressionist who sang and did a variety of personalities the locals all knew......we retired to the bar for a drink and listened from afar.....

Took Botas for a walk on the beach this week and a meet and greet with Robin and Steve's 2 dobermans.....yah, that didn't last very long, our boy has fear and socialization issues - but he LOVES the sand, the water and running himself silly on the beach......

As this was the beach in town, I just had him on a leash, not his usual long rope we use at south beach where there are no dogs and few people. Soon his new Dad Josh will be here doing his walks.........

Botas waiting patiently with his favourite ball for Josh.........
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Jypsy and the beach bar.......

Newly composed band in town......Jypsy.......made up of Peter Pope, guitar and vocals, Aniko on violin and vocals and Stein on percussion. Great blend of musicians with a unique sound!!!

Peter is from England/Mexico, Aniko is from Hungary, and Stein is from Norway.....truly an international group!!!

Jypsy now plays Wed. afternoons at the Beach Bar and Sundays at Cantina Habarneros!!

New and improved Beach called twice the size, great swing seats, nice bar, and lots of comfy chaises and palapas to sit under.

Licensing issues delayed the opening of this great bar but now that it is open, it is being well used. We went down with Murielle for an afternoon - picnic lunch from home, margaritas from the bar, and lots of sun.....!

Miki and Murielle under the palapa (40 pesos for the day) and we brought our own chairs. The chaises rent for another 40 p each.

Great spot on the beach..........

and such a beautiful beach it is......spent lots of time in the warm water..........

this is one of two wooden walkways being built as public access to the beach. A huge stucture with room to bring your chair and watch the sunrise or sunset.....and both stairs and handicapped ramp.....yay!!! For when we are in our wheelchairs 20 years from now........

Here is the walkway from the road.....really excellent work and design. We love that all our beaches are open to the "private" beaches in the area at all.
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Saturday, February 18, 2012


We had a lovely burger barby at Mick and Bev's last night, with Ingrid, Sidney, baby Lumen, Cheryl, Vanessa and little can see what I got distracted by.....

Lumen stole the show, I'm afraid - no nice pics of the dinner or the other guests, just moms and kids.........

Cheryl and Piper........

Lumen in the porch baby hammock going home with this family for sure!!!

Gorgeous late afternoon view from Bev and Mick's balcony..........

Vanessa and Piper......

It was a fun dinner despite no evidence of the great food!!!!
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Pool party!

The Los Tortugas gang - Linda, Mick and Bev - invited friends to a pool party on Thursday. Mick's daughter Sidney and wife Ingrid were there with new baby Lumen from Toronto.

Ingrid and niece Piper enjoy the pool......Piper is here with her 2 moms, Cheryl and Vanessa from Nelson, BC.

Mick entertains in his Indian wedding outfit, bought on his recent 2 month trip there.

Met 2 new couples from the U.S. who are also staying at Los Tortugas......

Small world - Cheryl and Miki used to work together years ago at the Pacific Aids Network.........

Sidney and Ingrid with little Lumen (just 11 weeks old!!) enjoy the hot tub.

Ingrid's sister Vanessa and Piper join the hot tub........

Mick, Miki and Cheryl discuss......whatever's out there......???????

Emily and Patti chat under the palapa........

Linda enjoys a laugh with one of the guests........

the happy family........

Mick and Vanessa share a laugh.......

Ingrid and Lumen.........................

Peter and Linda have a hug........

The sun set and the music started......

Our lovely hosts..............Mick and Bev

Gosh, I am so sorry I can't remember these folks names....must make notes........

Late night dip in the hot tub - great company, great food, another fun evening in Puerto Morelos!
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Friday, February 17, 2012

Friends and hockey.....:-)

So of course we had to take Judy and Elaine to David Lau's for the ever popular Men in Blues.......and of course great food, too!!!! Thanks for picking up the tab, you two...!

The place was rockin', as usual.............lots of great party tables and special occasions being celebrated!!

Judy and Elaine got into the dancing, too......!

In anticipation for Botas moving to Canada, we are educating him on hockey - now this is Hockey Night in Puerto Morelos, but we do explain how the game is played and what he should watch for.........

Cheering is a bit of an issue, but we cheer for him when the Canucks score....! GO CANUCKS!!!!

Eventually, however, he gets bored and just retires to one of his favourite places on the patio.......

in his precious "frog" pose......never had a dog who lies like this, but this is what he likes!!
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