Our dear friends Linda and Roma, having been together for 22 years, decided it was time to tie the knot, and called us to say they were eloping - TO PARKSVILLE!!!!! - and would we stand up for them. We did better than that - we found a lesbian minister, Hilde, who did the job on the beautiful Parksville beach.
They chose a spot on a grassy knoll overlooking the ocean, which we decorated with some flowers from home, some shells to represent the sea, and some pine cones to represent the forest.
The lovely rings were exchanged......
...one for each of the brides......
and the ceremony was sealed with a kiss! People walking along the boardwalk broke into spontaneous applause!!!!
Hilde presented the newly married couple to the world!!!
and they exchanged gifts - a hand blown glass heart for Hilde (and one each for us!!) and a very special rock from Hilde to the brides, which she had brought all the way from Ontario.
Hilde wore one of her wonderful rainbow sashes for the ceremony, hand made for her by a dear friend.
This was a legal wedding so we all signed the proper forms.....
...no going back now......
....the witnesses and Hilde also signed.......
and the Parksville beach bore witness to a lovely wedding of such dear friends....
....the rose garden at the knoll.......
and the view from the knoll to the beach. Every time we walk on the boardwalk, we will smile fondly remembering this very special wedding by the sea.
Oh, and did we mention Minister Hilde arrived on her motorcycle......
....and left on it in a rosy glow of love and laughter!!!