As well as all the colourful lights I showed you for the overpass, Mexico seems fixated on lighting these days. Every street lamp in PM, all along the highway and in Cancun have been changed to these environmentally healthy ones.

Our friend Richard came over for drinks and appies on Tuesday, and gifted Miki with a cell phone - something she has been wanting all year. Now we will each have a phone instead of trying to share one phone. Thanks Richard!

Greg Sanchez, the head of Cancun municipality, is running for the Governorship, so his big campaign bus pulled into the Colonia today! Hundreds of workers in Sanchez T shirts giving away CDs, soccer balls and T shirts, with a band on one pickup. They bought some of Guadalupe's chicken and got pop and stuff at other local stores....smart public relations.

Just when Chiik thought he was all finished at Dr. Jorge's, he started to do his male spraying the other day .....yikes! When he was neutered last month, only one of his testicles had dropped and since he is now spraying, I took him in today and yup - there was the other one!! So dear Jorge put him out again and remove the second one. He is still out cold and will have a very quiet night, bless him - the cat, not the doctor.