Monday, July 12, 2010

Some Enchanted Evening!!!!!

This is a new artisan deli in Nanaimo called Markt, run by a young chef who has worked in some very high class hotels and restaurants around the world. These feature 6 course dinners are held for just 12 people at a time, as Ryan is a great believer in the more civilized aspects of breaking bread together, whether family, friends or strangers. We went with Heather and Georgette and met the others over the course of the evening.

A large harvest table was the setting for an amazing meal - 6 courses, all paired with the finest of wines, and all dishes made with local meats, fish, and vegetables. We started with a duck proscutto appetiser and Prosecco, and it only got better from there......

The room was lovely, and we progressed from oysters to pork to scallops to salmon, tortellini, beef filet, prawns, roast garlic......ah, and then the dessert of Nouget glace with fresh berries and a vanilla tuile......

Ryan, on the left with his staff (the blonde is his wife) who produced just a magnificent dinner. We will be back.....oh - and the deli has the most wonderful foods, cheeses, pates, and is open daily!
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